
Facebook is worth $10 Billion???

September 27, 2007

I love Facebook… no doubt about it… I was (and I show this off at every chance I get…hehehe) the first person in Ottawa to sign up for Facebook. But, let’s be realistic here… $10 Billion??? If this isn’t indication enough that the internet bubble is back then I don’t know what is…

So, where is this huge number coming from? Well, rumors are that Microsoft and some other guys want to put in up to $500 Million for a 5% stake in the company…

Just to put into perspective how huge this number is…

>> Facebook has about 300 employees… so, this means that each employee generates about $33 Million dollars of value???

>> If Mark Zuckerberg counted $1 per second, it would take him about 317 years to count to $10 Billion Dollars. Wow!


Posted By: Aydin Mirzaee

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